Lead in our Homes
Housing is the MAIN source of Lead Poisoning in Indiana.
Lead is a heavy metal found in the environment that is toxic to humans, more specifically children and pregnant women. Exposure for pregnant women is concerning because it can result in exposure to her unborn child. For unborn or young children, exposure to even small amounts of lead can cause learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, and decreased intelligence; speech, language, and behavior problems; and IQ scores 4-7 points lower than their peers. Exposure to lead can occur in the home, in the school, or in the community.
Children are most often exposed to lead in contaminated soil or in lead dust from aging lead-based paint from buildings built before 1978. Babies and young children can be exposed to lead because they often put their hands and other objects that can have lead from dust or soil on them into their mouths. Plumbing can put lead into water, especially pipes and fixtures installed before 2011. Children and adults may be exposed to lead by eating and drinking from dishes or glasses that contain lead or from playing with toys with lead-based paint. Lead can also be found in ceramics, batteries, and cosmetics.
2020 Lead Report
On November 16, 2020, the Indiana Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights released a report on lead poisoning and environmental justice in Indiana that includes significant policy recommendations for the Indiana Department of Health and the Indiana General Assembly.
The resources below can help you understand more about lead and how to prevent lead exposure.
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